Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert ®

Judy S. Howard, Esq., R(B), COMPASS

Aloha.  I am Hawaii born, the only Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert® on the Big Island (although I take divorce listings State-wide), and the only Master CDRE  in the State.

I am also the only CDRE™ with an active law license.  I am a member of the Hawaii State Bar Association, and the Family Law and Child Law Sections of the HSBA.

I am also broker at Compass, which provides world-class marketing and support.

What is a CDRE, and why should you care?

In addition to offering free CLE classes, CDREs have much to offer when divorcing parties must sell real property.

CDREs are bound by a code of ethics that sets them apart from traditional realtors

Unlike the Code governing members of the National Association of Realtors, the CDRE code prohibits:

All of which is designed to promote trust in the sale process, which will result in greater efficiency and fewer expenses, leaving the parties with more money and their counsel able to focus on the many other pressing issues in the case.

I'm always happy to answer questions, suggest language for stipulations or orders, and, of course, accept divorce listings.  You can reach me at cdrehawaii@gmail.com, or (808) 896-5786.  Mahalo.

©Judy Howard, 2023